California, USA
Illinois, USA
New York, USA
United Kingdom

Time Difference

PST (Pacific Standard Time) is 2 hours behind CST (Central Standard Time) and 3 hours behind EST (Eastern Standard Time) and 8 hours behind GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and 9 hours behind CET (Central European Time) and 13 hours and 30 minutes behind IST (India Standard Time) and 19 hours behind AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
12:00 pm12:00 in San Rafael, CA, USA is 2:00 pm14:00 in Chicago, IL, USA and is 3:00 pm15:00 in New York City, NY, USA and is 8:00 pm20:00 in London, United Kingdom and is 9:00 pm21:00 in Berlin, Germany and is 1:30 am01:30 in New Delhi, India and is 7:00 am07:00 in Sydney, Australia

San Rafael to Chicago call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-4pm in San Rafael which corresponds to 10am-6pm in Chicago
San Rafael to New York City call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-3pm in San Rafael which corresponds to 11am-6pm in New York City
San Rafael to London call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-10am in San Rafael which corresponds to 4pm-6pm in London
San Rafael to Berlin call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-10am in San Rafael which corresponds to 5pm-7pm in Berlin
San Rafael to New Delhi call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 6am-8am in San Rafael which corresponds to 7:30pm-9:30pm in New Delhi
San Rafael to Sydney call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 3:30am-5:30am in San Rafael which corresponds to 10:30pm-12:30pm in Sydney

12:00 pm12:00 PST (Pacific Standard Time) (San Rafael, CA, USA). Offset UTC -8:00 hours
2:00 pm14:00 CST (Central Standard Time) (Chicago, IL, USA). Offset UTC -6:00 hours
3:00 pm15:00 EST (Eastern Standard Time) (New York City, NY, USA). Offset UTC -5:00 hours
8:00 pm20:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) (London, United Kingdom). Offset UTC 0:00 hours
9:00 pm21:00 CET (Central European Time) (Berlin, Germany). Offset UTC +1:00 hour
1:30 am01:30 IST (India Standard Time) (New Delhi, India). Offset UTC +5:30 hours
7:00 am07:00 AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) (Sydney, Australia). Offset UTC +11:00 hours

12:00 pm12:00 San Rafael, CA, USA / 2:00 pm14:00 Chicago, IL, USA / 3:00 pm15:00 New York City, NY, USA / 8:00 pm20:00 London, United Kingdom / 9:00 pm21:00 Berlin, Germany / 1:30 am01:30 New Delhi, India / 7:00 am07:00 Sydney, Australia

San Rafael, CA, USA Chicago, IL, USA New York City, NY, USA London, United Kingdom Berlin, Germany New Delhi, India Sydney, Australia
12am (midnight) 2am 3am 8am 9am 1:30 pm 7pm
1am 3am 4am 9am 10am 2:30 pm 8pm
2am 4am 5am 10am 11am 3:30 pm 9pm
3am 5am 6am 11am 12pm (noon) 4:30 pm 10pm
4am 6am 7am 12pm (noon) 1pm 5:30 pm 11pm
5am 7am 8am 1pm 2pm 6:30 pm 12am (midnight)
6am 8am 9am 2pm 3pm 7:30 pm 1am
7am 9am 10am 3pm 4pm 8:30 pm 2am
8am 10am 11am 4pm 5pm 9:30 pm 3am
9am 11am 12pm (noon) 5pm 6pm 10:30 pm 4am
10am 12pm (noon) 1pm 6pm 7pm 11:30 pm 5am
11am 1pm 2pm 7pm 8pm 12:30 am 6am
12pm (noon) 2pm 3pm 8pm 9pm 1:30 am 7am
1pm 3pm 4pm 9pm 10pm 2:30 am 8am
2pm 4pm 5pm 10pm 11pm 3:30 am 9am
3pm 5pm 6pm 11pm 12am (midnight) 4:30 am 10am
4pm 6pm 7pm 12am (midnight) 1am 5:30 am 11am
5pm 7pm 8pm 1am 2am 6:30 am 12pm (noon)
6pm 8pm 9pm 2am 3am 7:30 am 1pm
7pm 9pm 10pm 3am 4am 8:30 am 2pm
8pm 10pm 11pm 4am 5am 9:30 am 3pm
9pm 11pm 12am (midnight) 5am 6am 10:30 am 4pm
10pm 12am (midnight) 1am 6am 7am 11:30 am 5pm
11pm 1am 2am 7am 8am 12:30 pm 6pm
0:00 2:00 3:00 8:00 9:00 13:30 19:00
1:00 3:00 4:00 9:00 10:00 14:30 20:00
2:00 4:00 5:00 10:00 11:00 15:30 21:00
3:00 5:00 6:00 11:00 12:00 16:30 22:00
4:00 6:00 7:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 23:00
5:00 7:00 8:00 13:00 14:00 18:30 0:00
6:00 8:00 9:00 14:00 15:00 19:30 1:00
7:00 9:00 10:00 15:00 16:00 20:30 2:00
8:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 17:00 21:30 3:00
9:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 18:00 22:30 4:00
10:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 19:00 23:30 5:00
11:00 13:00 14:00 19:00 20:00 0:30 6:00
12:00 14:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 1:30 7:00
13:00 15:00 16:00 21:00 22:00 2:30 8:00
14:00 16:00 17:00 22:00 23:00 3:30 9:00
15:00 17:00 18:00 23:00 0:00 4:30 10:00
16:00 18:00 19:00 0:00 1:00 5:30 11:00
17:00 19:00 20:00 1:00 2:00 6:30 12:00
18:00 20:00 21:00 2:00 3:00 7:30 13:00
19:00 21:00 22:00 3:00 4:00 8:30 14:00
20:00 22:00 23:00 4:00 5:00 9:30 15:00
21:00 23:00 0:00 5:00 6:00 10:30 16:00
22:00 0:00 1:00 6:00 7:00 11:30 17:00
23:00 1:00 2:00 7:00 8:00 12:30 18:00

San Rafael Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
PDT - Pacific Daylight Time
HNP - Heure Normale du Pacifique
UTC / GMT Offset
-7:00 hours during Pacific Daylight Time, currently in use.
-8:00 hours during Heure Normale du Pacifique.
Daylight Saving Time Change
+1:00 hour - DST is in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Daylight saving time clock moves forward for one hour from 2am to 3am Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 2:00 am local time. DST starts annually the on second Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 9, 2025, 3:00 am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight saving time clock moves back for one hour from 2am to 1am Sunday, November 2, 2025 at 2:00 am local time. DST ends annually the on first Sunday of November. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, November 2, 2025, 1:00 am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

San Rafael Facts

Alternative Names
SRF, San Rafael, San Rafel, San-Rafael', San-Rafel, Sao Rafael, São Rafael, san rafayyl, sanraferu, sheng la fei er, sn rafayl kalyfrnya, syana raphela, Сан Рафаел, Сан Рафел, Сан-Рафаель, Сан-Рафел, سان رافاييل, سن رافائل، کالیفرنیا, स्यान राफेल, サンラフェル, 圣拉菲尔
Dollar (USD)
Geographic Coordinates
37° 58' N Latitude / 122° 31' W Longitude
International Dialing Code

Chicago Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
CDT - Central Daylight Time
UTC / GMT Offset
-5:00 hours during Central Daylight Time, currently in use.

Chicago Facts

Alternative Names
CHI, Cekaga, Chi-ka-ko, Chi-kâ-kô, Chicago, Chicagu, Chikago, Chykaga, Cikaga, Cikago, Cikaqo, E-Chicago, Kikako, Shikago, Sicagum, Sikago, The Windy City, Tsikago, Windy City, chikhako, cikago, cikako, shikago, shkagw, shykaghw, shykagw, shykajw, shyqgw, sikago, sikkagea, syqgw, zhi jia ge, Çikago, Çikaqo, Ĉikago, Čikaga, Čikago, Čikāga, Čėkaga, Şikago, Σικάγο, Чикаго, Чикаґо, Чыкага, Չիկագո, שיקאגא, שיקגו, شيكاجو, شيكاغو, شکاگو, شیکاگو, شیکاگۆ, ܫܝܩܓܘ, शिकागो, শিকাগো, ਸ਼ਿਕਾਗੋ, சிகாகோ, చికాగో, ಶಿಕಾಗೊ, ഷിക്കാഗോ, ชิคาโก, ရှီကာဂိုမြို့, ჩიკაგო, ሺካጎ, ᓰᖄᑯ, Ṣìkágò, シカゴ, 芝加哥, 시카고, 𐍃𐌾𐌹𐌺𐌰𐌲𐍉
Dollar (USD)
Geographic Coordinates
41° 51' N Latitude / 87° 39' W Longitude
International Dialing Code

New York City Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
EDT - Eastern Daylight Time
UTC / GMT Offset
-4:00 hours during Eastern Daylight Time, currently in use.

New York City Facts

New York
Alternative Names
Aebura, Bandar Raya New York, Big Apple, Cathair Nua-Eabhrac, City of New York, Eabhraig Nuadh, Efrog Newydd, Evrek Nowydh, Ga-no-no, Kanon:no, Kanono, Kanón:no, Kota New York, Lungsod ng New York, N'ju-Jork, NY, NYC, Nea Yorke, Nei Yarrick Schtadt, Neu Amsterdam, Neu Jorck, New Amsterdam, New Orange, New Yorc, New York, New York City, New York Stad, New York borg, New York kenti, New York-borg, New Yorke, New Yorku, Niujorkas, Nju Jork, Njujork, Nouvelle Yorck, Nouvieau York, Nov-Jorko, Nova Amsterda, Nova Iorque, Nova York, Nova-York, Novjorko, Novum Eboracum, Nowy Jork, Nua-Eabhrac, Nueva York, Nujorka, Nyja Jorvik, Nyu York Shehiri, Nòva York, Nýja Jórvík, Thanh pho New York, The Big Apple, Thành phố New York, York Berri, manhattan, n'yuyorka, ni'u iyarka siti, niu yue, niu yue shi, niyuyark nakaram, nkhr niwyxrk, nyuyog, nyuyog si, nyuyoku, nyw ywrq, nywywrk, Ņujorka, Νέα Υόρκη, Њу Јорк, Њујорк, Нью-Ёрк, Нью-Йорк, Ню Йорк, ניו יארק, ניו יורק, ניו־יאָרק, نيويورك, نیویارک شہر, نیویورک, न्यूयॉर्क, নিউ ইয়র্ক সিটি, நியூயார்க் நகரம், นครนิวยอร์ก, ნიუ-იორკი, ニューヨーク, マンハッタン, 紐約市, 纽约, 뉴욕, 뉴욕 시
Dollar (USD)
Geographic Coordinates
40° 42' N Latitude / 74° 00' W Longitude
International Dialing Code

London Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
BST - British Summer Time
UTC / GMT Offset
0:00 hours during Greenwich Mean Time, currently in use.
+1:00 hour during British Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Change
+1:00 hour - DST is NOT in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Daylight saving time clock moves forward for one hour from 1am to 2am Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 1:00 am local time. DST starts annually the on last Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 30, 2025, 2:00 am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight saving time clock moves back for one hour from 2am to 1am Sunday, October 26, 2025 at 2:00 am local time. DST ends annually the on last Sunday of October. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, October 26, 2025, 1:00 am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

London Facts

United Kingdom
Alternative Names
ILondon, LON, Lakana, Landan, Landen, Ljondan, Llundain, Lodoni, Londain, Londan, Londar, Londe, Londen, Londin, Londinium, Londino, Londn, London, London osh, Londona, Londonas, Londoni, Londono, Londons, Londonu, Londra, Londres, Londrez, Londri, Londro, Londye, Londyn, Londýn, Lonn, Lontoo, Loundres, Luan GJon, Lun-tun, Lunden, Lundra, Lundun, Lundunir, Lundúnir, Lung-dung, Lunnainn, Lunnin, Lunnon, Luân Đôn, Lùn-tûn, Lùng-dŭng, Lûn-tun, Lākana, Lůndůn, Lọndọnu, Ranana, Rānana, ilantan, ladana, landan, landana, leondeon, lndn, london, londoni, lun dui, lun dun, lwndwn, lxndxn, rondon, Łondra, Λονδίνο, Лондан, Лондон, Лондон ош, Лондонъ, Лёндан, Լոնդոն, לאנדאן, לונדון, لأندأن, لندن, لوندون, لەندەن, ܠܘܢܕܘܢ, लंडन, लंदन, लण्डन, लन्डन्, लन्दन, লন্ডন, ਲੰਡਨ, લંડન, ଲଣ୍ଡନ, இலண்டன், లండన్, ಲಂಡನ್, ലണ്ടൻ, ලන්ඩන්, ลอนดอน, ລອນດອນ, ལོན་ཊོན།, လန်ဒန်မြို့, ლონდონი, ለንደን, ᎫᎴ ᏗᏍᎪᏂᎯᏱ, ロンドン, 伦敦, 倫敦, 런던
Pound (GBP)
Geographic Coordinates
51° 30' N Latitude / 0° 07' W Longitude
International Dialing Code

Berlin Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
CET - Central European Time
CEST - Central European Summer Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+1:00 hour during Central European Time, currently in use.
+2:00 hours during Central European Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Change
+1:00 hour - DST is NOT in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Daylight saving time clock moves forward for one hour from 2am to 3am Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 2:00 am local time. DST starts annually the on last Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 30, 2025, 3:00 am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight saving time clock moves back for one hour from 3am to 2am Sunday, October 26, 2025 at 3:00 am local time. DST ends annually the on last Sunday of October. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, October 26, 2025, 2:00 am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

Berlin Facts

Alternative Names
BER, Beirlin, Beirlín, Berleno, Berlien, Berliin, Berliini, Berlijn, Berlim, Berlin, Berline, Berlini, Berlino, Berlyn, Berlynas, Berlëno, Berlín, Berlîn, Berlīne, Berolino, Berolinum, Birlinu, Bèrlîn, Estat de Berlin, Estat de Berlín, bai lin, barlina, beleullin, berlini, berurin, bexrlin, brlyn, perlin, Βερολίνο, Берлин, Берлін, Бэрлін, Բերլին, בערלין, ברלין, برلين, برلین, بېرلىن, ܒܪܠܝܢ, बर्लिन, বার্লিন, பெர்லின், เบอร์ลิน, ბერლინი, ベルリン, 柏林, 베를린
Euro (EUR)
Geographic Coordinates
52° 31' N Latitude / 13° 24' E Longitude
International Dialing Code

New Delhi Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
IST - India Standard Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+5:30 hours during India Standard Time, currently in use.

New Delhi Facts

Alternative Names
Dellium Novum, Dilli, Dillí, N'ju-Deli, Neo Delchi, Neu-Delhi, Nev Deli, New Delhi, New Dilli, Nju Delkhi, Nov-Delhio, Nova Delhi, Nova Deli, Nova Deli - na'i dilli, Nova Deli - नई दिल्ली, Nova-Delhi, Nove Dilli, Nové Dillí, Nueba Deli, Nueva Delhi, Nuova Delhi, Nyja Deli, Nyu Deli, Nòva Delhi, Nýja Delí, Yeni Delhi, dlhy aljdydt, na'i dilli, naya dilli, niu-deli, niwde li, nyudelli, nyuderi, nyw dlhy, nywdlhy, putu tilli, xin de li, Νέο Δελχί, Њу Делхи, Нев Дели, Нью-Дели, Նյու Դելի, ניו דלהי, دلهي الجديدة, نيودلهي, नई दिल्ली, নয়া দিল্লী, புது தில்லி, นิวเดลี, ནེའུ་དིལ་ལིའི, ნიუ-დელი, ኒው ዴሊ, ニューデリー, 新德里, 뉴델리
Rupee (INR)
Geographic Coordinates
28° 38' N Latitude / 77° 13' E Longitude
International Dialing Code

Sydney Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+11:00 hours during Australian Eastern Daylight Time, currently in use.

Sydney Facts

Alternative Names
SYD, Sanctus Dionysius, Sedniejos, Sek-na, Sidnef, Sidnei, Sidnej, Sidneja, Sidnejo, Sidnejus, Sidney, Sidneý, Sidni, Sidnéy, Sidnėjus, Sit-ni, Sit-nì, Syd, Sydneium, Sydney, Sydney City, Sék-nà̤, Sídney, Sîdney, Sėdniejos, citni, shidoni, sidani, sideuni, sidnei, sidni, sidniy, sydny, xi ni, xue li, Σίδνεϋ, Сиднеи, Сидней, Сиднеј, Сидни, Сідней, Сідні, Սիդնեյ, סידני, سيدنى, سيدني, سڈنی, سیدنی, ܣܝܕܢܝ, सिडनी, सिड्नी, सिद्नी, সিডনি, ਸਿਡਨੀ, સીડની, சிட்னி, సిడ్నీ, ಸಿಡ್ನಿ, സിഡ്നി, සිඩ්නි, ซิดนีย์, སིད་ནེ།, ဆစ်ဒနီမြို့, სიდნეი, ሲድኒ, ស៊ីដនីយ៏, シドニー, 悉尼, 雪梨, 시드니
Dollar (AUD)
Geographic Coordinates
33° 52' S Latitude / 151° 12' E Longitude
International Dialing Code