South Korea

Time Difference

KST (Korea Standard Time) is 1 hour ahead of PST ()
11:30 pm23:30 in Seoul, South Korea is 10:30 pm22:30 in Manila, Philippines

Seoul to Manila call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 9am-6pm in Seoul which corresponds to 8am-5pm in Manila

11:30 pm23:30 KST (Korea Standard Time) (Seoul, South Korea). Offset UTC +9:00 hours
10:30 pm22:30 PST () (Manila, Philippines). Offset UTC +8:00 hours

11:30 pm23:30 Seoul, South Korea / 10:30 pm22:30 Manila, Philippines

Seoul, South Korea Manila, Philippines
12am (midnight) 11pm
1am 12am (midnight)
2am 1am
3am 2am
4am 3am
5am 4am
6am 5am
7am 6am
8am 7am
9am 8am
10am 9am
11am 10am
12pm (noon) 11am
1pm 12pm (noon)
2pm 1pm
3pm 2pm
4pm 3pm
5pm 4pm
6pm 5pm
7pm 6pm
8pm 7pm
9pm 8pm
10pm 9pm
11pm 10pm
0:00 23:00
1:00 0:00
2:00 1:00
3:00 2:00
4:00 3:00
5:00 4:00
6:00 5:00
7:00 6:00
8:00 7:00
9:00 8:00
10:00 9:00
11:00 10:00
12:00 11:00
13:00 12:00
14:00 13:00
15:00 14:00
16:00 15:00
17:00 16:00
18:00 17:00
19:00 18:00
20:00 19:00
21:00 20:00
22:00 21:00
23:00 22:00

Seoul Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
KST - Korea Standard Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+9:00 hours during Korea Standard Time, currently in use.

Seoul Facts

South Korea
Alternative Names
Hanyang, SEL, Seoel, Seol, Seoul, Seoul-si, Seuel, Seul, Seula, Seulas, Seulo, Seulum, Seúl, Seül, Siul, Soeul, Sol, Soul, Sye-ul, Syou-ouen, Szoeul, Szöul, Séoul, Sêûl, Söul, Sŏul, Wang-ching, Wo-jo, Wō-jō, ciyol, han-yang, saul, seoul, seoulsi, seoulteugbyeolsi, seuli, shou er, shou er te bie shi, si'ula, siyola, sol, sola, souru, souru te bie shi, sywl, Σεούλ, Сеул, Соул, Сөүл, Սեուլ, סאול, סיאול, סעאל, سئول, سيول, سیول, سێئول, سېئول, सियोल, सोल, সিউল, சியோல், ಸೌಲ್, സോൾ, โซล, སེ་ཨུལ།, ဆိုးလ်မြို့, სეული, ሶል, សេអ៊ូល, ソウル, ソウル特別市, 首尔, 首尔特别市, 서울, 서울시, 서울특별시, 한양
Won (KRW)
Geographic Coordinates
37° 33' N Latitude / 126° 58' E Longitude
International Dialing Code

Manila Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
PHT - Philippine Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+8:00 hours during , currently in use.
+8:00 hours during Philippine Time.
Daylight Saving Time Change
0:00 hours - DST is NOT in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

Manila Facts

Alternative Names
City of Manila, Dakbayan sa Manila, Lungsod ng Maynila, MNL, Mainile, Manila, Manilae, Manilla, Manillah, Manille, Manilo, Manyl, Maníla, Maynila, Menila, ma ni la, manila, manilla, manira, manyl, manyla, mnila, mnylh, myanila, Μανίλα, Манилæ, Манила, Маніла, מנילה, مانىلا, مانيلا, مانیل, مانیلا, मनिला, मनीला, ম্যানিলা, மணிலா, ಮನಿಲ, මැනිලා, มนิลา, มะนิลา, མ་ནི་ལ།, မနီလာမြို့, მანილა, ማኒላ, マニラ, 马尼拉, 마닐라
Peso (PHP)
Geographic Coordinates
14° 36' N Latitude / 120° 58' E Longitude
International Dialing Code