
Current local time in Santiago, Chile

10:07 :01 AM

10:07 :01

Sunday, 03 November 2024 (-03)

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Santiago Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
-03 -
CLST - Chile Summer Time
UTC / GMT Offset
-3:00 hours during , currently in use.
-3:00 hours during Chile Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Change
0:00 hours - DST is in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Daylight saving time clock moves forward for one hour from 12am to 1am Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 12:00 am local time. DST starts annually the on second Sunday of September. Clocks are turned forward 0 hour to Sunday, September 8, 2024, 1:00 am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight saving time clock moves back for one hour from 12am to 11pm Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 12:00 am local time. DST ends annually the on first Sunday of April. Clocks are turned backward 0 hour to Saturday, April 6, 2024, 11:00 pm local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

Santiago Facts

Alternative Names
Ciles Santjagas, CiudadSantiago, SCL, Sanctiacobi, Sant'jago, Santiago, Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Xile, Santiago del Cile, Santiago do Chile, Santiago du Chili, Santiago du Ch·ili, Santianko, Santjago, Santjago de Chile, Santjago de Chili, Stgo., santiago, santixako, santiyago, santyaghw, santyagw, santyyagw, sheng de ya ge, Čilės Santjagas, Σαντιάγκο, Σαντιάγο, Сантьяго, Сантяго де Чиле, Сантяго де Чили, סנטיאגו דה צ'ילה, سانتىياگو, سانتياغو, سانتیاگو, সান্টিয়াগো, ซันติอาโก, სანტიაგო დე ჩილე, ሳንቲያጎ, サンティアゴ, 圣地亚哥, 산티아고
Peso (CLP)
Geographic Coordinates
33° 27' S Latitude / 70° 38' W Longitude
International Dialing Code