Greenwich Mean Time
GMT +0
United Kingdom
New York, USA
California, USA

Time Difference

Greenwich Mean Time is 1 hours behind CET (Central European Time) and 0 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and 4 hours ahead of EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) and 7 hours ahead of PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) and 8 hours behind CST (China Standard Time) and 9 hours behind JST (Japan Standard Time) and 11 hours behind AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
2:00 pm14:00 in GMT is 3:00 pm15:00 in Berlin, Germany and is 2:00 pm14:00 in London, United Kingdom and is 10:00 am10:00 in New York City, NY, USA and is 7:00 am07:00 in San Francisco, CA, USA and is 10:00 pm22:00 in Shanghai, China and is 11:00 pm23:00 in Tokyo, Japan and is 1:00 am01:00 in Sydney, Australia

GMT to Berlin call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-5pm in GMT which corresponds to 9am-6pm in Berlin
GMT to London call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-6pm in GMT which corresponds to 8am-6pm in London
GMT to New York City call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 12pm-6pm in GMT which corresponds to 8am-2pm in New York City
GMT to San Francisco call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 3pm-6pm in GMT which corresponds to 8am-11am in San Francisco
GMT to Shanghai call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-10am in GMT which corresponds to 4pm-6pm in Shanghai
GMT to Tokyo call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-10am in GMT which corresponds to 5pm-7pm in Tokyo
GMT to Sydney call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 7:30am-9:30am in GMT which corresponds to 6:30pm-8:30pm in Sydney

2:00 pm14:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Offset UTC 0:00 hours
3:00 pm15:00 CET (Central European Time) (Berlin, Germany). Offset UTC +1:00 hour
2:00 pm14:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) (London, United Kingdom). Offset UTC 0:00 hours
10:00 am10:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) (New York City, NY, USA). Offset UTC -4:00 hours
7:00 am07:00 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) (San Francisco, CA, USA). Offset UTC -7:00 hours
10:00 pm22:00 CST (China Standard Time) (Shanghai, China). Offset UTC +8:00 hours
11:00 pm23:00 JST (Japan Standard Time) (Tokyo, Japan). Offset UTC +9:00 hours
1:00 am01:00 AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) (Sydney, Australia). Offset UTC +11:00 hours

2:00 pm14:00 GMT / 3:00 pm15:00 Berlin, Germany / 2:00 pm14:00 London, United Kingdom / 10:00 am10:00 New York City, NY, USA / 7:00 am07:00 San Francisco, CA, USA / 10:00 pm22:00 Shanghai, China / 11:00 pm23:00 Tokyo, Japan / 1:00 am01:00 Sydney, Australia

GMT Berlin, Germany London, United Kingdom New York City, NY, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Shanghai, China Tokyo, Japan Sydney, Australia
12am (midnight) 1am 12am (midnight) 8pm 5pm 8am 9am 11am
1am 2am 1am 9pm 6pm 9am 10am 12pm (noon)
2am 3am 2am 10pm 7pm 10am 11am 1pm
3am 4am 3am 11pm 8pm 11am 12pm (noon) 2pm
4am 5am 4am 12am (midnight) 9pm 12pm (noon) 1pm 3pm
5am 6am 5am 1am 10pm 1pm 2pm 4pm
6am 7am 6am 2am 11pm 2pm 3pm 5pm
7am 8am 7am 3am 12am (midnight) 3pm 4pm 6pm
8am 9am 8am 4am 1am 4pm 5pm 7pm
9am 10am 9am 5am 2am 5pm 6pm 8pm
10am 11am 10am 6am 3am 6pm 7pm 9pm
11am 12pm (noon) 11am 7am 4am 7pm 8pm 10pm
12pm (noon) 1pm 12pm (noon) 8am 5am 8pm 9pm 11pm
1pm 2pm 1pm 9am 6am 9pm 10pm 12am (midnight)
2pm 3pm 2pm 10am 7am 10pm 11pm 1am
3pm 4pm 3pm 11am 8am 11pm 12am (midnight) 2am
4pm 5pm 4pm 12pm (noon) 9am 12am (midnight) 1am 3am
5pm 6pm 5pm 1pm 10am 1am 2am 4am
6pm 7pm 6pm 2pm 11am 2am 3am 5am
7pm 8pm 7pm 3pm 12pm (noon) 3am 4am 6am
8pm 9pm 8pm 4pm 1pm 4am 5am 7am
9pm 10pm 9pm 5pm 2pm 5am 6am 8am
10pm 11pm 10pm 6pm 3pm 6am 7am 9am
11pm 12am (midnight) 11pm 7pm 4pm 7am 8am 10am
0:00 1:00 0:00 20:00 17:00 8:00 9:00 11:00
1:00 2:00 1:00 21:00 18:00 9:00 10:00 12:00
2:00 3:00 2:00 22:00 19:00 10:00 11:00 13:00
3:00 4:00 3:00 23:00 20:00 11:00 12:00 14:00
4:00 5:00 4:00 0:00 21:00 12:00 13:00 15:00
5:00 6:00 5:00 1:00 22:00 13:00 14:00 16:00
6:00 7:00 6:00 2:00 23:00 14:00 15:00 17:00
7:00 8:00 7:00 3:00 0:00 15:00 16:00 18:00
8:00 9:00 8:00 4:00 1:00 16:00 17:00 19:00
9:00 10:00 9:00 5:00 2:00 17:00 18:00 20:00
10:00 11:00 10:00 6:00 3:00 18:00 19:00 21:00
11:00 12:00 11:00 7:00 4:00 19:00 20:00 22:00
12:00 13:00 12:00 8:00 5:00 20:00 21:00 23:00
13:00 14:00 13:00 9:00 6:00 21:00 22:00 0:00
14:00 15:00 14:00 10:00 7:00 22:00 23:00 1:00
15:00 16:00 15:00 11:00 8:00 23:00 0:00 2:00
16:00 17:00 16:00 12:00 9:00 0:00 1:00 3:00
17:00 18:00 17:00 13:00 10:00 1:00 2:00 4:00
18:00 19:00 18:00 14:00 11:00 2:00 3:00 5:00
19:00 20:00 19:00 15:00 12:00 3:00 4:00 6:00
20:00 21:00 20:00 16:00 13:00 4:00 5:00 7:00
21:00 22:00 21:00 17:00 14:00 5:00 6:00 8:00
22:00 23:00 22:00 18:00 15:00 6:00 7:00 9:00
23:00 0:00 23:00 19:00 16:00 7:00 8:00 10:00

Greenwich Mean Time

Offset: GMT is 0 hours ahead Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and is used in Europe

Countries: It is used in following countries: Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Britain (UK), Guernsey, Ghana, Greenland, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ireland, Isle of Man, Iceland, Jersey, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, St Helena, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Sao Tome & Principe, Togo

Principal Cities: The largest city in the GMT timezone is London from United Kingdom with population about 7.557 million people. Other major cities in the area are Abidjan, Dakar, Grand Dakar, Accra

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) originally referred to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. It is now often used to refer to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when this is viewed as a time zone, and in casual use for the most parts it is the same. In military GMT is known as Zulu time.Greenwich Mean Time was the same as Universal Time (UT), until the introduction of UTC in 1972 a standard astronomical concept used in many technical fields.

GMT Time Zone Geo Map
GMT timezone map

GMT representations, usage and related time zones

W3C/ISO-8601: International standard covering representation and exchange of dates and time-related data
  • Z - is the zone designator for the zero UTC/GMT offset, also known as 'Zulu' time
  • +00 - basic short
  • +0000 - basic
  • +00:00 - extended
Email/RFC-2822: Internet Message Format Date Standard, typically used for timestamps in email headers
  • +0000 - sign character (+) followed by a four digit time providing hours (00) and minutes (00) of the offset. Indicates zero hour and zero minutes time differences of the zero meridian.
Military/NATO: Used by the U.S. military, Chinese military and others
  • Zulu - Military abbreviation for GMT
  • Z - short form of 'Zulu'
IANA/Olson: Reflects GMT time zone boundaries defined by political bodies, primarily intended for use with computer programs and operating systems
  • Africa/Abidjan
  • Africa/Accra
  • Africa/Bamako
  • Africa/Banjul
  • Africa/Bissau
  • Africa/Conakry
  • Africa/Dakar
  • Africa/Freetown
  • Africa/Lome
  • Africa/Monrovia
  • Africa/Nouakchott
  • Africa/Ouagadougou
  • Africa/Sao_Tome
  • Africa/Timbuktu
  • America/Danmarkshavn
  • Atlantic/Reykjavik
  • Atlantic/St_Helena
  • Eire
  • Etc/GMT
  • Etc/GMT+0
  • Etc/GMT-0
  • Etc/GMT0
  • Etc/Greenwich
  • Europe/Belfast
  • Europe/Dublin
  • Europe/Guernsey
  • Europe/Isle_of_Man
  • Europe/Jersey
  • Europe/London
  • GB
  • GB-Eire
  • GMT
  • GMT+0
  • GMT-0
  • GMT0
  • Greenwich
  • Iceland
GMT Abbreviation: Several time zones share GMT abbreviation and it could refer to these time zones
  • Greenwich Mean Time - UTC +0
  • GMT+05:00 - UTC +5
  • GMT+03:00 - UTC +3
  • GMT - UTC +0
  • GMT+11:00 - UTC +11
  • GMT-02:00 - UTC -2
Time zones with the GMT +0 offset:
  • EGST - Eastern Greenland Summer Time
  • GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
  • WET - Western European Time
  • AZOST - Azores Summer Time
  • UTC - Universal Time Coordinated
  • WT - Western Sahara Standard Time
  • Z - Zulu Time Zone

Berlin Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
CET - Central European Time
CEST - Central European Summer Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+1:00 hour during Central European Time, currently in use.
+2:00 hours during Central European Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Change
+1:00 hour - DST is NOT in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Daylight saving time clock moves forward for one hour from 2am to 3am Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 2:00 am local time. DST starts annually the on last Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 30, 2025, 3:00 am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight saving time clock moves back for one hour from 3am to 2am Sunday, October 26, 2025 at 3:00 am local time. DST ends annually the on last Sunday of October. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, October 26, 2025, 2:00 am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

Berlin Facts

Alternative Names
BER, Beirlin, Beirlín, Berleno, Berlien, Berliin, Berliini, Berlijn, Berlim, Berlin, Berline, Berlini, Berlino, Berlyn, Berlynas, Berlëno, Berlín, Berlîn, Berlīne, Berolino, Berolinum, Birlinu, Bèrlîn, Estat de Berlin, Estat de Berlín, bai lin, barlina, beleullin, berlini, berurin, bexrlin, brlyn, perlin, Βερολίνο, Берлин, Берлін, Бэрлін, Բերլին, בערלין, ברלין, برلين, برلین, بېرلىن, ܒܪܠܝܢ, बर्लिन, বার্লিন, பெர்லின், เบอร์ลิน, ბერლინი, ベルリン, 柏林, 베를린
Euro (EUR)
Geographic Coordinates
52° 31' N Latitude / 13° 24' E Longitude
International Dialing Code

London Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
BST - British Summer Time
UTC / GMT Offset
0:00 hours during Greenwich Mean Time, currently in use.
+1:00 hour during British Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Change
+1:00 hour - DST is NOT in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Daylight saving time clock moves forward for one hour from 1am to 2am Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 1:00 am local time. DST starts annually the on last Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 30, 2025, 2:00 am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight saving time clock moves back for one hour from 2am to 1am Sunday, October 26, 2025 at 2:00 am local time. DST ends annually the on last Sunday of October. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, October 26, 2025, 1:00 am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

London Facts

United Kingdom
Alternative Names
ILondon, LON, Lakana, Landan, Landen, Ljondan, Llundain, Lodoni, Londain, Londan, Londar, Londe, Londen, Londin, Londinium, Londino, Londn, London, London osh, Londona, Londonas, Londoni, Londono, Londons, Londonu, Londra, Londres, Londrez, Londri, Londro, Londye, Londyn, Londýn, Lonn, Lontoo, Loundres, Luan GJon, Lun-tun, Lunden, Lundra, Lundun, Lundunir, Lundúnir, Lung-dung, Lunnainn, Lunnin, Lunnon, Luân Đôn, Lùn-tûn, Lùng-dŭng, Lûn-tun, Lākana, Lůndůn, Lọndọnu, Ranana, Rānana, ilantan, ladana, landan, landana, leondeon, lndn, london, londoni, lun dui, lun dun, lwndwn, lxndxn, rondon, Łondra, Λονδίνο, Лондан, Лондон, Лондон ош, Лондонъ, Лёндан, Լոնդոն, לאנדאן, לונדון, لأندأن, لندن, لوندون, لەندەن, ܠܘܢܕܘܢ, लंडन, लंदन, लण्डन, लन्डन्, लन्दन, লন্ডন, ਲੰਡਨ, લંડન, ଲଣ୍ଡନ, இலண்டன், లండన్, ಲಂಡನ್, ലണ്ടൻ, ලන්ඩන්, ลอนดอน, ລອນດອນ, ལོན་ཊོན།, လန်ဒန်မြို့, ლონდონი, ለንደን, ᎫᎴ ᏗᏍᎪᏂᎯᏱ, ロンドン, 伦敦, 倫敦, 런던
Pound (GBP)
Geographic Coordinates
51° 30' N Latitude / 0° 07' W Longitude
International Dialing Code

New York City Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
EDT - Eastern Daylight Time
UTC / GMT Offset
-4:00 hours during Eastern Daylight Time, currently in use.

New York City Facts

New York
Alternative Names
Aebura, Bandar Raya New York, Big Apple, Cathair Nua-Eabhrac, City of New York, Eabhraig Nuadh, Efrog Newydd, Evrek Nowydh, Ga-no-no, Kanon:no, Kanono, Kanón:no, Kota New York, Lungsod ng New York, N'ju-Jork, NY, NYC, Nea Yorke, Nei Yarrick Schtadt, Neu Amsterdam, Neu Jorck, New Amsterdam, New Orange, New Yorc, New York, New York City, New York Stad, New York borg, New York kenti, New York-borg, New Yorke, New Yorku, Niujorkas, Nju Jork, Njujork, Nouvelle Yorck, Nouvieau York, Nov-Jorko, Nova Amsterda, Nova Iorque, Nova York, Nova-York, Novjorko, Novum Eboracum, Nowy Jork, Nua-Eabhrac, Nueva York, Nujorka, Nyja Jorvik, Nyu York Shehiri, Nòva York, Nýja Jórvík, Thanh pho New York, The Big Apple, Thành phố New York, York Berri, manhattan, n'yuyorka, ni'u iyarka siti, niu yue, niu yue shi, niyuyark nakaram, nkhr niwyxrk, nyuyog, nyuyog si, nyuyoku, nyw ywrq, nywywrk, Ņujorka, Νέα Υόρκη, Њу Јорк, Њујорк, Нью-Ёрк, Нью-Йорк, Ню Йорк, ניו יארק, ניו יורק, ניו־יאָרק, نيويورك, نیویارک شہر, نیویورک, न्यूयॉर्क, নিউ ইয়র্ক সিটি, நியூயார்க் நகரம், นครนิวยอร์ก, ნიუ-იორკი, ニューヨーク, マンハッタン, 紐約市, 纽约, 뉴욕, 뉴욕 시
Dollar (USD)
Geographic Coordinates
40° 42' N Latitude / 74° 00' W Longitude
International Dialing Code

San Francisco Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
PDT - Pacific Daylight Time
HNP - Heure Normale du Pacifique
UTC / GMT Offset
-7:00 hours during Pacific Daylight Time, currently in use.
-8:00 hours during Heure Normale du Pacifique.
Daylight Saving Time Change
+1:00 hour - DST is in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Daylight saving time clock moves forward for one hour from 2am to 3am Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 2:00 am local time. DST starts annually the on second Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 9, 2025, 3:00 am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight saving time clock moves back for one hour from 2am to 1am Sunday, November 2, 2025 at 2:00 am local time. DST ends annually the on first Sunday of November. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, November 2, 2025, 1:00 am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

San Francisco Facts

Alternative Names
Franciscopolis, Frisco, Kapalakiko, Khiu-kim-san, Khiu-kîm-sân, Lungsod ng San Francisco, New Albion, SF, SFO, San Francisco, San Franciscu, San Francisko, San Fransisco, San Fransiskas, San Fransisko, San Frantzisko, San Phransisko, San-Francisko, San-Francyska, San-Fransisko, Sanfrancisko, Sao Francisco, São Francisco, Yerba Buena, can pirancisko, jiu jin shan, saenpeulan, saenpeulansiseuko, saina pharansisako, saina phransisko, san f ran si s ko, san fan shi, san fransskw, san fransyskw, san fransyskۆ, san phransisko, sana phransisako ka'unti, sana phransisko, sanfuranshisuko, sena phransisko, sn prnsysqw, syana phransisko, Σαν Φρανσίσκο, Сан Франсиско, Сан Франциско, Сан-Франциско, Сан-Францыска, Сан-Франціско, Սան Ֆրանցիսկո, סאן פראנציסקא, סן פרנסיסקו, سان فرانسسکو, سان فرانسيسكو, سان فرانسیسکو, سان فرانسیسکۆ, सॅन फ्रान्सिस्को, सैन फ्रांसिस्को, स्यान फ्रान्सिस्को, সান ফ্রান্সিসকো কাউন্টি, সান ফ্রান্সিস্কো, ਸੈਨ ਫਰਾਂਸਿਸਕੋ, சான் பிரான்சிஸ்கோ, శాన్ ఫ్రాన్సిస్కో, സാൻ ഫ്രാൻസിസ്കോ, සැන් ෆ්‍රැන්සිස්කෝ, ซานฟรานซิสโก, སན་ཧྥུ་རན་སིས་ཁོ, ဆန်ဖရန်စစ္စကိုမြို့, სან-ფრანცისკო, サンフランシスコ, 三藩市, 旧金山, 舊金山, 샌프란, 샌프란시스코
Dollar (USD)
Geographic Coordinates
37° 46' N Latitude / 122° 25' W Longitude
International Dialing Code

Shanghai Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
CST - China Standard Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+8:00 hours during China Standard Time, currently in use.

Shanghai Facts

Alternative Names
SHA, San'nkae, Sanchajus, Sangaj, Sangay, Sanghaj, Sanghay, Sanhaja, Sanhajo, Sanxay, Schanghai, Shang-hai, Shang-hai-shih, Shangai, Shangaj, Shanghai, Shanghai - shang hai, Shanghai - 上海, Shankhaj, Sjanghae, Sjanghai, Sjanghæ, Szanghaj, Thuong Hai, Thượng Hải, Xangai, cankay, sangha'i, sanghae, sanghai, seiynghi, shang hai, shang hai shi, shanghay, shanghhay, shanhai, zhong guo shang hai, Ŝanhajo, Şangay, Şanghay, Şanxay, Šanchajus, Šangaj, Šanghaj, Šanhaja, Σανγκάη, Шангај, Шанхай, שאנגחאי, شانغهاي, شانگهای, شاڭخەي, شاڭخەي شەھىرى, সাংঘাই, சாங்காய், เซี่ยงไฮ้, შანჰაი, 上海, 上海市, 中国上海, 상하이, 상해
Yuan Renminbi (CNY)
Geographic Coordinates
31° 13' N Latitude / 121° 27' E Longitude
International Dialing Code

Tokyo Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
JST - Japan Standard Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+9:00 hours during Japan Standard Time, currently in use.

Tokyo Facts

Alternative Names
Edo, TYO, Tochiu, Tocio, Tokija, Tokijas, Tokio, Tokió, Tokjo, Tokyo, Toquio, Toquio - dong jing, Toquio - 東京, Tòquio, Tókýó, Tóquio, Tōkyō, dokyo, dong jing, dong jing dou, dong-gyeong, tokeiyw, toki'o, tokkiyo, tokyo, twkyw, twqyw, Τόκιο, Токио, Токё, Токіо, Տոկիո, טוקיו, توكيو, توکیو, طوكيو, ܛܘܟܝܘ, ܜܘܟܝܘ, टोक्यो, টোকিও, டோக்கியோ, โตเกียว, ტოკიო, 东京, 東京, 東京都, 도쿄, 동경
Yen (JPY)
Geographic Coordinates
35° 41' N Latitude / 139° 41' E Longitude
International Dialing Code

Sydney Information

Time Zone

Abbreviation / Name
AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+11:00 hours during Australian Eastern Daylight Time, currently in use.

Sydney Facts

Alternative Names
SYD, Sanctus Dionysius, Sedniejos, Sek-na, Sidnef, Sidnei, Sidnej, Sidneja, Sidnejo, Sidnejus, Sidney, Sidneý, Sidni, Sidnéy, Sidnėjus, Sit-ni, Sit-nì, Syd, Sydneium, Sydney, Sydney City, Sék-nà̤, Sídney, Sîdney, Sėdniejos, citni, shidoni, sidani, sideuni, sidnei, sidni, sidniy, sydny, xi ni, xue li, Σίδνεϋ, Сиднеи, Сидней, Сиднеј, Сидни, Сідней, Сідні, Սիդնեյ, סידני, سيدنى, سيدني, سڈنی, سیدنی, ܣܝܕܢܝ, सिडनी, सिड्नी, सिद्नी, সিডনি, ਸਿਡਨੀ, સીડની, சிட்னி, సిడ్నీ, ಸಿಡ್ನಿ, സിഡ്നി, සිඩ්නි, ซิดนีย์, སིད་ནེ།, ဆစ်ဒနီမြို့, სიდნეი, ሲድኒ, ស៊ីដនីយ៏, シドニー, 悉尼, 雪梨, 시드니
Dollar (AUD)
Geographic Coordinates
33° 52' S Latitude / 151° 12' E Longitude
International Dialing Code